CM/ECF now includes an option to subscribe to a RSS feed. Really Simple Syndication ( RSS ) allows internet browsers and other feed readers to display information from a website that changes frequently. A Standard RSS reader is not provided with CM/ECF, but the software supports the readers included with the standard browsers ( Firefox 3.5 and Internet Explorer 7 and 8 ).
To join the feed, select the options below from your CM/ECF session menu:
Court Information
RSS Feed Entries made in the last 12 hours - Public Users
If you click the "Entries made in the last 12 hours - Public Users" hyperlink, a subsequent screen appears and the user can select "Subscribe to this Feed" This will create a Live Bookmark.
Only the category of the event is displayed, not the full docket text. Public users are not charged for the information displayed. If the user clicks a hyperlink within the feed to the docket report or related document, the user will be prompted to logi n and will incur the standard PACER fees for any information accessed through CM/ECF.