Electronic Filing of Claims
Effective July 2, 2012, claims in all cases are accepted electronically through the Court’s website. The Court strongly encourages the e-filing of claims.
- Proof of Claim forms for all chapters may be filed electronically. A login/password is not required.
The name and complete address of the creditor must appear on the claim form. If an attorney is filing the claim on behalf of a creditor, the attorney should also enter his/her name and address. The name and title, if any, of the person authorized to file the claim is required on the claim form.
Penalty for filing fraudulent claim: Fine of up to $500,000 or imprisonment for up to 5 years, or both. 11 U.S.C. §§ 152 and 3571.
- Submit a Proof of Claim
- Proof of Claim Instructions
- Frequently Asked Questions